Margaret Lloyd was born in Liverpool, England, of Welsh parents and grew up in a Welsh immigrant community in central New York State. She attended the University of Rochester as an undergraduate and received her Ph.D. at the University of Leeds, England, working under the supervision of the poet Geoffrey Hill. A poet and painter, she lives in Florence, Massachusetts, and is Professor Emeritus of English at Springfield College.
Lloyd’s first book was a critical study of Williams Carlos Williams’ long poem Paterson, now considered seminal in the field. She has published five collections of poems: This Particular Earthly Scene; A Moment in the Field: Voices from Arthurian Legend; Forged Light; Travelling on My Own Errands: Voices of Women from The Mabinogi, and most recently, Sleeping in the Same World (2024). Her poetry has appeared widely in journals and anthologies and she has received several awards, fellowships, and residencies. As a visual artist, Lloyd began as watercolor painter, then moved into working with slate, and is now immersed in painting with oil. She has held several exhibitions, as well as published paintings and painting/poem pairs in journals, nationally and internationally.
Sleeping in the Same World. Kelsay Books, 2024.
Travelling on My Own Errands: Voices of Women from The Mabinogi. Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2017.
Forged Light. Open Field Press, 2013.
A Moment in the Field: Voices from Arthurian Legend. Plinth Books, 2006.
This Particular Earthly Scene. Alice James Books, 1993.
William Carlos Williams Paterson: A Critical Reappraisal. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1980.

“The Work of the Present,” “The Gift,” “Under a Sky,” “Searching," Stand (Volume 21, Spring 2024)
"Crossing Over," Stand (Vol. 20, Fall 2022)
"Soul Leaves the Body," Pensive: A Global Journal for Spirituality & the Arts I(ssue 5 2022)
“This Moment,” Passager (Issue 73, Sept. 2022). Received honorable mention in Passager 2022 contest
“Outside My House a Tree,” “When Always Becomes Never,” “The Rope Holds the Red Kayak,” Shot
Glass Journal (#37, June 2022)
“Supplication,” “Driving Back,” “What Happens,” “Document,” Doubly Mad (Vol 7, issue 9, 2022)
“Now,” *82 Review (10.1, 2022)
"Third Journey,” Agni (#92, 2021)
“The Angel Makes a Work of Art,” Poetry East (Nos 102 2021)
“A Visitation Starts the Day,” The Comstock Review (Spring/ Summer 2021)
“A Morning and the Night Before,” “This Singular Hour,” Nine Mile Magazine (Spring 2021 Vol 9 No 1)
“Cupbearer to the Gods,” “Late Service,” Worcester Review (Vol XLII, Nos 1 & 2, 2021)
“Pegmatite,” humana obscura (spring/summer 2021)
“Intimacy,” “Underground,” “A Blessing” Poem (no 24 2021)

Salmon Falls Gallery, Shelburne Falls, MA
Elusie Gallery, Easthampton, MA
Burnett Gallery, Jones Library, Amherst, MA
Lathrop Inn Gallery, Easthampton
Golden Thread Gallery, West Hartford, CT
Leverett Library Gallery
Hosmer Art Gallery, Forbes Library
C3 Gallery, Amherst
Hope and Feathers Gallery, Amherst
Elusie Gallery, Easthampton
Northampton Center for the Arts
Wistariahurst Museum, Holyoke
Willliam Blizard Gallery, Springfield College

"Red Winter," and "These Earthly Valleys," humana
obscura (Issue 305, fall winter 2022)
"Trees," "Night's Estate, and "Breaking Through", *82 Review
"The Sky Altering," Third Wednesday
"Untitled," Planet: The Welsh Internationalist
"Northern Lake," Poetry Wales (special edition on poetry and painting
“Rising Birds” chosen for Gallery A3’s Eighth Juried show, 2023
Northampton Visual Arts and Poetry Biennial: juried poetry event
National Endowment for the Humanities Grant
Nominated ten times for Pushcart Prize
Yaddo Residency
Fellowship to Hawthornden Castle: International Retreat for Writers, Scotland
Vachel Lindsay Poetry Award, Willow Springs
Fellowship, Breadloaf Writers & Conference at Middlebury College
International Merit Award Winner in Atlanta Review & International Poetry Competition
Commendation in the National Poetry Competition (Chester H. Jones Foundation)
Springfield College Distinguished Professor of Humanics
Northeast Modern Language Association Summer Grant

Review of Jeffrey Wainwright’s As Best We Can, Stand (Vol 19, No 2, 2021)
“On the Way to Jack’s House,” The Massachusetts Review (Fall 2020)
“Introduction,” Open Field: Poems from Group 18, Open Field Press
“Beyond the Islands,” (review of Selected Poems by Christine Evans), Planet: The Welsh Internationalist
“The Woman Made of Flowers,” (review of Blodeuwedd: An Anthology of Women’s Poetry), Planet: The Welsh Internationalist
“The Threshold of Belief” (review of The Red Window by Pamela Stewart), Planet: The Welsh Internationalist
"Six Englynion and a Cywydd by Gwerful Mechain," Poetry Wales
"The Symposium on Formal/Free Verse," Poetry Wales
"A Thematic Approach to Teaching The Bluest Eye,” Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women
"Ethnicity, Race, and Contemporary Poetry in the United States," Poetry Wales
"The Newspaper Landscape of Williams & Paterson,” Contemporary Literature
"The Interlace Element in Paterson,” Twentieth Century Literature
Anthology 2017: Celebrating Writers of the Pioneer Valley
Paradise Found: A Walking Tour of Northampton through Poetry and Art
New England Poets on Art
Lit from Inside: 40 Years of Poetry from Alice James Books
Wider than the Sky: Thirty Years of Poetry East
Other Land: Contemporary Poems on Wales and Welsh-American Experience
Anthology 09, Downtown Writer's Center
Open Field: Poems from Group18
War: an anthology
The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror
Crossing Paths: An Anthology of Poems by Women
National Poetry Competition Winners Anthology
Who Are The Rich and Where Do They Live: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry
Outsiders: Poems about Rebels, Exiles, and Renegades
Orpheus & Company: Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology

Music from Salem, Cambridge, New York
Harvard University
Smith College
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
University of Wales, Bangor
Providence Public Library, Rhode Island
Associated Writing Programs Conference, Boston
A.P.E. Gallery reading, Northampton, MA
University of California, Los Angeles
Springfield College
Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff
Bates College.
University of Rochester
Fairfield University
Pskov, Russia (Pskov Writer’s Association)
Emily Dickinson Museum
Worcester Poetry Association
Bryn Mawr College
Worcester State College
University of Maine, Farmington
Hill-Stead Museum
Eastern Connecticut State University
Jones Library, Amherst
New Haven Arts Space
Boston Public Library
Odyssey Bookstore, South Hadley
Northampton Center for the Arts
Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, poetry series
Aberystwyth Town Library, Wales
Mocha Maya, Shelburne Falls